Bamberg Board of Public Works, SC Natural Gas Pipeline Operation
Public Awareness Programm
Our goal is to provide safe, reliable gas service to our customers and ensure the safety of people living and or working near our gas pipelines.
The purpose of this alert is to make you aware of the existence of our Natural Gas distribution pipelines and to remind you to notify the Bamberg Board of Public Works before any excavations around or near our Natural Gas facilities. Notification should be made whenever any type of excavation work is planned, including any operations such as grading, landscaping, drilling, blasting, utility installations or improvements, trenching, fence installation, or any other type of construction to avoid damage to our pipe line causing accidental release of gas that may result in damage to property or personal injury.
Bamberg Board of Public Works owns and operates a Natural Gas distribution system, serving more than1,500 residential and commercial customers. The system consists of approximately 80 miles of pipeline of sizes from 1” to4” in diameter. Most of our system is within the corporate limits, but portions extend well outside these limits.
The safety of the public and the protection of its pipeline are very important to the Bamberg Board of Public Works. Our system is operated, maintained, and monitored according to Federal Regulations, to ensure and protect the integrity of our Natural Gas system.
Should you break or damage our pipeline or suspect a leaking pipe, you should notify the Bamberg Board of Public Works and your local police or fire department. Indications of a gas leak are an unusual odor (rotten egg smell), a hissing or roaring sound, discoloration of vegetation, or unusual blowing of dirt or dust.
In South Carolina, you are required by law, to notify utility owners/operators prior to any excavation work. Notification may be made to the South Carolina One Call Center, Inc. at 811 or you may call the Bamberg Board of Public Works at 803-245-5128 anytime.This service is free of charge. Additional information is available at the Bamberg Board of Public Works.